



Scholarships &


Why The Arts Belong in K-12

By Art Today’s Brain Food

Latest Research

By Arts Education Partnership

Brief look into AEP’s latest research on how the arts support achievement in school, bolster skills demanded of a 21st century workforce, and enrich the lives of young people and communities.

Facts & Figures

By Americans for the Arts

Key data points every advocate needs when discussing the importance of arts education. This guide offers three concrete actions school principals can take to increase arts education in their schools.

Arts Education Advocacy Toolkit

By Americans for the Arts

Tips and tools to be an effective arts education advocate.

Effective Michigan Arts Advocacy

By ArtServe Michigan

Find out more about the challenges for arts education from the National and Michigan perspective, read about proactive and reactive advocacy, identify tips and tools to get involved, and learn habits of effective arts education advocates.


The Art Education Journal

By National Art Education Association (NAEA)

This is the official journal of the National Art Education Association. The topics focus on art education and those with an interest in quality visual arts education. It’s a bi-monthly, full color publication that includes an instructional Resource article.


Current Award Winners


Emily Miller
MAEA Art Educator of the Year
Elementary Art Educator of the Year
Sarah DeKett
Middle Level Art Educator of the Year
Keith Rayner
Secondary Art Educator of the Year
Meghan Collins
Museum Art Educator of the Year
Christine Hesch
Emeritus Art Educator of the Year
Amy Armand
Distinguished Service Award

Audra Pieknik and The Art Experience
Distinguished Service Award

WMU Gallery Grand Rapids
Distinguished Service Award

Melanie Kerbelis
Student Memorial Endowment Scholarship Award


MAEA List of Art Educator of the Year Awardees

MAEA List of Distinguished Service Awardees


Nomination Information/Forms

Program Objectives

        • To recognize excellence in the many outstanding individuals of MAEA.

        • To focus professional attention on quality art education and exemplary art educators.

        • To increase public awareness of the importance of quality art education.

        • To set standards for quality art education and show how they can be achieved.

        • To provide tangible recognition of achievement, earn respect of colleagues, and enhance professional opportunities for MAEA members.

Who May Nominate?
Art Educator of the Year Awards- Individual Members
Distinguished Service Awards - Individual Members, Business advocates, School officials, or interested persons that support and advance art education.

MAEA members who meet the established criteria. Membership is not required for the Distinguished Service award.

Award Selection
Nominations and supporting documentation are submitted to the MAEA Awards Coordinator.

MAEA Divisions
The Michigan Art Education Association is divided into seven job-alike categories called Divisions: Elementary, Secondary, Middle Level, Higher Education, Preservice, Supervision and Administration, and Museum Education. We also have a category to nominate a Retired Art Educator- Emeritus Art Educator of the Year.

Award Presentations
Awards are presented in the fall at the annual NAEA convention. Winners are announced and notified via email in August.

Press Release
Upon notification, each award recipient is asked to provide pertinent information so press releases may be sent by the national office to employers, local media, art departments, school administrators, etc.

2024-25 Nomination Forms - due April 10, 2024


Art Educator of the Year Nomination Form

Art Educator of the Year Nominee Checklist

Distinguished Service Nomination Form

State MAEA Award Rubric

NAEA/MAEA Vita - Coming Soon - see PDF below.


Art Educator of the Year Nomination Form                             

Art Educator of the Year Nominee Checklist

Distinguished Service Nomination Form

State MAEA Award Rubric                                                       




MAEA is MACC 2024 Grant Recipient

MAEA activities are supported in part by an award from the
Michigan Arts and Culture Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.



Scholarships & Grants

MAEA Memorial Scholarship

Note: This award is for current full-time students. 


The MAEA Memorial Art Educator scholarship was established as a result of many memorial contributions to the MAEA for scholarships upon the death of Ed Jacomo: outstanding Alma College art educator, recipient of the Governor's Arts Award for Education, a mentor to many, and a 'true disciple' of art education.


This scholarship is intended to aid college students who are pursuing art and art education. Part of our mission as a professional organization is to advocate for future art educators and help progress the study of art in the K-12 setting. 


This scholarship could help you fund your future!


Please complete the intent to apply form

before midnight, March 29th, 2024.


Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs Grants
Click to Visit
National Art Education Association Grants & Funding

Find a variety of effective grants, program information, and funding opportunities from NAEA.

Professional Development Scholarship

This $500 grant is for art educators OR art professionals. It can be used for Special Classroom Projects, Art Education Action Research, or for Professional Development. 


We encourage our members to apply! This grant is a wonderful opportunity for you to advance your classroom practice and your research in the art education field.


This scholarship is granted annually for up to $500 to MAEA members.


Please complete the intent to apply form before midnight, March 29th, 2024.